


每年春天, mosquito 人口 begin to build 和 homeowners begin exploring their options for keeping their own properties as mosquito-free as possible during the summer season.

75年前,Hga010皇冠软件下载开始提供灭蚊服务.  Here is what our operational experts think you should know 当 considering hiring a mosquito control service for your home:

  1. 首先清除死水,这样蚊子就无法繁殖.
  2. Look into all the different service companies providing mosquito control services in your community.
  3. 了解不同的应用程序类型以及您喜欢的应用程序.
  4. Make sure service providers are using EPA-registered mosquito control products.


The very first 和 most effective thing you can do to fight mosquitoes on your property is get rid of st和ing water sources around your home. 而且…它是免费的!

Even a small amount of water left st和ing for a few days in a child’s toy or in the base of a planter can be enough for some species to lay eggs in. 但是,如果没有水,蚊子就无法繁殖.

如果你的水源不容易被抽干, 就像一个装饰性的池塘或雨桶, consider treating that water source with an extended control larvicide tablet. 这些产品可以防止蚊子幼虫变成咬人的成虫. There are several on the market for consumer purchase, 和 Hga010皇冠软件下载 makes one too called Natular DT.


A quick Google search will produce a list of several companies providing residential mosquito control services in your community. 你会找到当地的园艺师, 全国草坪养护特许经营企业, 一般害虫防治公司, 当然, 专业灭蚊业务, all offering solutions for mosquito nuisance relief 和 disease prevention.

在你评估这些选择时,考虑一下什么对你来说是重要的. 价格只有? 产品使用? 有适合你的财产的治疗方法? 能够提前通知每个应用程序? 寻找一次性服务或常规的,预定的治疗?  Knowing what you prioritize is the first step to choosing the right service provider.


通常, 住宅物业处理包括屏障应用, which applies an EPA-registered insecticide through a backpack to the foliage around your property. 这是成年蚊子在白天躲藏的地方. Residues from this insecticide will remain on the plant foliage 和 provide mosquito control for 7 to 21 days, 这取决于使用的是什么类型的产品, 剂量是多少?, 和, 当然, 天气状况. 郊区社区的平均土地面积约为半英亩. For this size of property, barrier applications will typically be recommended.

更大的性能可能还包括ULV喷涂应用. 这与屏障处理不同. ULV treatments are done by mounting an ultra-low-volume sprayer to an ATV with turf-friendly tires 和 spraying a fine mist of an EPA-registered insecticide into the air. The mist is made up of tiny droplets that move through the air in order to make contact with adult mosquitoes 飞行. This type of treatment is highly effective for quickly taking down mosquito 人口, 但它不提供任何扩展控制.

一些公司还在住宅服务套餐中提供驱蚊剂. Essential oil blends or even garlic treatments are common repellent solutions. 请记住,驱蚊剂的作用是驱蚊 走了 有一段时间了. 他们不会 减少 人口.


All products for mosquito control are not created equal 和 there are several options available today, including both EPA 和 non-EPA registered products (essential oil blends are an example of a non-EPA registered option). 最重要的是要验证服务提供者 is 使用环保局注册的杀虫剂,并使用它们 根据标签. 以便在环保局注册, all products go through rigorous testing 和 are evaluated to be sure that 当 used 根据标签, 对人类来说有一定的安全性, 动物, 以及它们的使用对环境的影响. epa注册产品上的标签告诉使用者如何使用, 当, 在哪里, 以及产品需要以什么样的速度应用到设计的工作中.

此外,只有epa注册的产品才需要 证明 抗蚊性能. EPA-registered products must demonstrate that they can kill at least three of the most prevalent species of mosquitoes in the U.S., 至少在五个不同的地理位置, 在制造商声称的时间长度内.

最终, using EPA-registered products ensures that the product has been fully assessed, 在你的财产上使用是否安全, 并且会完成它的工作.

Want more information on how Hga010皇冠软件下载 approaches residential mosquito control in the communities we serve? 点击这里获取更多信息.